The ENTRADA Career
Connection Program

  Customized for You

  Holistic Approach

Do you feel stagnant, uninspired, or undervalued about your career?

Then this career program was designed for YOU!

ENTRADA is the innovative and comprehensive career coaching program designed by Rachel Newton.

Rachel has a proven track record of elevating
her clients' careers through:

Innovative Solutions

Easy to understand concepts
Fun processes
Tangible take-aways
and more

Building Confidence

Greater sense of Self
Improved boundaries
Improved communication
Career Clarity

Career Roadmap

Co-create a tangible and personalized Entrada Career Plan for next career steps.

Action Focus

Empowering clients to propel and elevate their careers.


“Life is amazing and I’m feeling great, now, about expressing my personality through my helped me so much with this!”


"I am stuck!"

Does this sound like you?

"I want to change my career, but I have no clue where to begin."

​You are in the right place. The Entrada Career Connection Program will give you solutions to these obstacles:

  • You feel trapped and fYou know you are in the wrong career, but you feel stuck, overwhelmed and confused about the next steps.
  • You've tried other career services and you are still STUCK!
  • Your career does not build on your key strengths. Your career has no meaning or purpose.
  • You feel hopeless and tired because your career depletes your energy, motivation and joy. You've tried other career services, but it never worked for you!
  • You feel trapped and frustrated about your career. You have no idea what you want to do, and can't see a way out.You know you are in the wrong career, but you feel stuck, overwhelmed and confused about the next steps.

Inside This FREE Presentation You'll Learn:

Arrows Down.svg

01:37 – How Dan Henry started using THIS exact webinar strategy to pay off his huge IRS bill.


17:12 – The exact stories you SHOULD use inside of your webinar to convert your audience into buyers.


44:05 – How Dan's client went from charging $1,500 to charging $1-$3 MILLION dollar contracts.


Watch the end of this video to get Dan's funnel installed directly into your ClickFunnels account.

From Stuck to Your Ideal Career!

Gain Clarity

Take a journey that will help you gain career clarity that aligns with who you really are. Be UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU!

Name Your Barriers

Recognize your career obstacles and develop a plan to overcome them.

Ignite Inspiration

Co-create with Rachel a career direction that inspires and drives you.

Define Your Boundaries

Clarify your yeses and no's. Being empowered by Rachel to stay the course to find your True North - your ideal career to Work Your Dream!

Find the Right Career

Discover the best fit career that excites, fulfills, and energizes you.

Commit to your Career Dream

Make a commitment to yourself to Be, Do and Have what you most desire!

Introducing the

ENTRADA Career Connection Program

Discover Career Clarity and Confidence within 30 days and start to Work Your Dream!
​The ENTRADA Career Connection Program is the first of its kind:

  • Empowering you to gain greater career clarity
  • A 360 Degree Approach to Career Exploration
  • Drawing upon a holistic approach
  • Placing you at the centre of its design
  • Building career confidenceEmpowering you to gain greater career clarity

ENTRADA Career Connection Program Features


A program designed around you and your needs.


Access to resources to facilitate creating positive change in your life and career.


Self-paced or structured format.

Fresh Approach

Experience a holistic approach for life and career exploration.

Results Focused

Gain clarity and confidence in 30 days.


Unearth the benefits of career alignment and mind, body and energy.


Thrive while transforming challenges into confidence.

Empower Your Path

Unlock your potential with a personalized roadmap designed to align your life and career goals.


I have talked about my career transition journey with many people and mention you with great reverence and appreciation every time :)

I am doing well and very happy with my life right now. My art career is coming along, and, though I still have a long way to go, I am thoroughly enjoying the journey!! I have had quite a few commissioned art pieces, which I have gradually increased my prices and I am working with the Arts Council at some of their kids art workshops, have a couple of adult students that I'm providing one-on-one art lessons to. And as well, I am taking one Emily Carr art class each semester to gradually earn a Drawing Certificate :)​


Choose the ENTRADA Career Connection Program for:

Freedom from Fear

Understand your fears holding you back and create transformative change in your life and career.


Gain a better sense of who you are to feel confident and empowered in your career decisions.

Career Roadmap

Create a tangible Entrada Career Plan to propel you towards the life and career you desire.

Take Action

Implement your strategic career management plan.


I came to see Rachel because I felt stuck in my job and noticed repetitive, destructive patterns in my career. The regular sessions with Rachel have set in motion a whole chain of events that eventually helped me find the answers that were buried inside me. Each time I met with Rachel, I walked away with a new realization or alternative perspective about my career, life and attitudes towards work. Our meetings also made me realize false beliefs I held about myself over many years. Rachel has made this possible by actively listening to me, asking questions and providing me with links to further resources like audiobooks and web pages when appropriate. I wish I had reached out to her earlier and would highly recommend Rachel’s services to anyone seeking career-related advice.



Working with Rachel has given me the confidence to make decisions about my life and career. I was not sure what to expect when we met, but she made it easy to express myself. She helped with many aspects of my personal development and relationships with others at work and at home. Her professionalism, personable attitude and candour is much appreciated. I would recommend Rachel to anyone who is looking to improve their lives personally and professionally.


I can't wait to meet you in the ENTRADA Career Connection Program!

I’m Rachel Newton and 13+ years ago, I had been wandering the vocational desert for over two decades feeling lost, stuck, burned out and miserable in my career.

  • I was successful in my corporate tech job but I was burned out, disengaged and unhappy.
  • I know from own experience and coaching 100's of clients that career change is not an easy thing to do, I want to help people gain clarity sooner. 
  • My proven ENTRADA Career Connection Program empowers you with the knowledge, resources and tools you need to feel confident in your next career move.

This Program is Perfect for You if:

You are Stuck

Need to Start a New (ad)Venture

Feel Afraid to Move Forward

You are Ready for Change

Willing to Commit to the Process & Do What it Takes

Have a Learning Mindset

You can Take Personal Accountability

Ready to Invest in Creating Positive Change

Want to Feel Understood

Why Now is

the Time to Take Action

Here’s why you need to get inside Entrada Career Connection Program today...  85% of people are disengaged and unhappy in their career and they don't know what to do about it.

​It's time for a change, but when is the right time?

  • - It takes courage to take action; we're only human after all!
  • - Change is hard and uncomfortable, you don't have to do it alone!
  • - You might have some clarity on your next steps but still feel stuck.It takes courage to take action; we're only human after all!

If you've made it this far you are ready to have the freedom, money and time you want in your career.

Don’t let another year go by before you achieve career clarity to work your dream!

Ready to Invest in the Life & Career You Deserve to Have?

UA - Hormone

Your Unfair Advantage Hormone Package Contains:

Men’s Unfair T Package

  • ​Unfair T (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Muscle RX (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Liver & Kidney (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Crea-Nitric (normally $69.95)

Women’s Unfair Balance Package

  • ​Unfair Adrena (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Hormonal + B (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Calcium (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair T (normally $69.95)

Access To Unfair Advantage Membership

  • ​Workout Training Videos w/ Clark & Natalie
  • ​Recipe Guides
  • ​Mindset Training
  • ​Monthly Coaching Calls
  • ​And TONS more!!!


Get 1 Month FREE



UA - Complete

Your Unfair Advantage Complete Package Contains:

  • ​Unfair Whole Food Vitamins (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Longevity (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Nitric Oxide (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Enzymes (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Minerals (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair EFA’s (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Probiotics (normally $69.95)

Plus! Men’s Unfair T Package

  • ​Unfair T (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Muscle RX (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Liver & Kidney (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Crea-Nitric (normally $69.95)

Plus! Women’s Unfair Balance Package

  • ​Unfair Adrena (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Hormonal + B (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Calcium (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair T (normally $69.95)

Access To Unfair Advantage Membership

  • ​Workout Training Videos w/ Clark & Natalie
  • ​Recipe Guides
  • ​Mindset Training
  • ​Monthly Coaching Calls
  • ​And TONS more!!!


Get 2 Months FREE


UA - Whole Supplements


Your Unfair Advantage Whole Supplement Package Contains:

  • ​Unfair Whole Food Vitamins (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Longevity (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Nitric Oxide (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Enzymes (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Minerals (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair EFA’s (normally $69.95)
  • ​Unfair Probiotics (normally $69.95)

Access To Unfair Advantage Membership

  • ​Workout Training Videos w/ Clark & Natalie
  • ​Recipe Guides
  • ​Mindset Training
  • ​Monthly Coaching Calls
  • ​And TONS more!!!


Get 1 Month FREE

Starter Package

Your Package Contains:

  •  Product Included #1 (Normally $297)

  • Product Included #2  (Normally $297)
  • Product Included #3  (Normally $297)




Complete Package

Your Complete Package Contains:

  •  Product Included #1 (Normally $297)

  • Product Included #2  (Normally $297)
  • Product Included #3  (Normally $297)



Supplements Package

Your Whole Supplement Package Contains:

  •  Product Included #1 (Normally $297)

  • Product Included #2  (Normally $297)
  • Product Included #3  (Normally $297)


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